You don’t need to be a bee keeper, be a keeper of bees…
by making our outdoor spaces a welcoming habitat for both new and existing bees and pollinators. Without bees and other pollinators much of the world’s food supply would end so it’s critical to support these essential links in our global food chain.
Featured News

Rotary District 9685 Conference
Rotary District 9685 held its conference in the charming town of Cowra NSW 17-19 March. The Rotarians for BEES team had everyone a-buzz with their great bee-themed merchandise (designed by Sue Liu and native beehives on display. Apiarist...
Our Focus
We aim to educate and encourage action to support bees and pollinators and their role in agriculture & horticulture around the world, thus ensuring food security.
Powerful Pollinators
Attract bees and other pollinators to your garden, with strategic planting advice from the Wheen Bee Foundation.
Find out more.
The Waggle Dance
This dance mimics the extraordinary way honey bees communicate and celebrates bees’ crucial role in pollination and food security.
Find out more.
Disease - Varroa
Upto date advice on the Varroa mite incursion in NSW and the current eradication efforts by New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.
Find out more.
What’s causing a buzz in the blog?
A Walk Through the Beautiful Village of Hall
The Village of Hall is only a short, thirteen minute drive from the centre of Canberra but as we turn off from the busy Burton Highway and into the main street, it might as well be light years...
Bee Friendly Hall – Jonathan Palmer
Hall Honeys members Bill Pearson and Jonathan Palmer with ACT for Bees founder Julie Armstrong with some of the bee hotels distributed to Hall households. Picture: Dion Georgopoulos Hall Village is...
18th- 20th March 2022 Rotarians for Bees was well represented at the conference, with a booth; and with very informative presentations from John McCaskill and Lili-Ann Kriegler from Rotary Club of...
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
We would love to hear from you. Whether you’re a Rotarian or not, we need people like you getting involved to help create the awareness to solve the issues faced by our pollinators..