by Liz Oconnelll | May 19, 2023 | Awareness, Bring Back The Buzz, Featured Front Page, General Interest, Rotary Event, World Bee Day 2023
Here are schoolgirls in the Democratic Republic of Congo replicating how bees show where food can be found. (Thank you, Rotary Ekanga-Mbandaka for facilitating this video!) Come join the buzz when the Waggle Dance is performed live at Rotary International convention...
by Liz Oconnelll | Apr 22, 2023 | Featured Front Page, General Interest, Native Bees, NSW ACT, Uncategorized
Rotary District 9685 held its conference in the charming town of Cowra NSW 17-19 March. The Rotarians for BEES team had everyone a-buzz with their great bee-themed merchandise (designed by Sue Liu and native beehives on display. Apiarist...
by Liz Oconnelll | Nov 12, 2022 | Australian Pollinator Week 2022, Awareness, Event
“Come and say hi to us at the Boroondara Sustainable Living Festival to celebrate Australian Pollinator Week and join in fun activities that are all about bees and other pollinators”. For more information see our events page here.
by admin | Oct 9, 2022 | Education, Planting for Bees
A recent weekend working “bee” has transformed a much loved but rather overgrown garden into a potential haven for bees. Our garden at the rear of Kew Rotary Club’s Fair-Trade shop has had a bee friendly make-over. Twenty volunteers from GlaxoSmithKline,...