The 2022 Pollinator Photography Competition is encouraging everyone to get out and capture bees and other pollinators in their local environment, whether it’s in an urban garden, on a nature strip or on a remote farm.
The 2022 Pollinator Photography Competition is proudly supported by the Wheen Bee Foundation and Rotarians for Bees, and sponsored by IWooHoo Beekeeping Supplies and Beechworth Honey.
The competition will award prizes to the best pictures of bees and other pollinators taken in Australia as judged by the APW(Australian Pollinator Week) Pollinator Photography Competition Judging Panel.
First prize: $1,500
Runner-up: $500
Sponsored by IWooHoo Beekeeping Supplies.
There’s a separate category for students, with the best picture from a secondary school student and a primary school student each receiving $500 for their school.
Secondary School student prize: $500 for their nominated school.
Primary School Student prize: $500 for their nominated school.
Submissions open on 1 October and will be accepted until Sunday 30 October.
Winners will be announced at the Discover Bees Through Photography webinar on 15 November 2022. The webinar starts at 7.30pm.
Winners will be published on the Australian Pollinator Week website by 9pm on 15 November 2022.
Winners will be contacted by the Wheen Bee Foundation to receive their prize.
To enter and read terms and conditions, please click here.